Fluid Hydraulics (Part 3): Pressure and Head

In Parts 1 and 2 of Fluid Hydraulics, we discussed specific gravity, vapor pressure, and volatile substances. Today we are going to wrap things up with two other factors that affect the fluids you pump through your hydraulic equipment — pressure and head. 

Fluid Hydraulics (Part 2): Vapor Pressure

In Part 1 of Fluid Hydraulics we discussed specific gravity and how it varies depending on the density of the fluid. Today we are going to discuss another factor that affects the fluids you pump through your hydraulic equipment — vapor pressure. 

Fluid Hydraulics (Part 1): Specific Gravity

Fats, oils, fertilizers… There’s a vast variety of fluids that can be pumped using hydraulic equipment. Each fluid, however, differs from the next, which is why it is so incredibly important that you understand how each fluid reacts under certain conditions.